Thursday, August 2, 2012


It has been a few days since my last post, and as always, my life is full of fadiculousity (note: fadiculousity= f*cking+ridiculousity. Can also be used as 'fadiculous').

This week culminates the end of week one in "So Haydee we as a family are going to our Beach House so we won't need you till about oh September..." for my babysitting job. If you are brand new to this blog, this is not the first mention of this month long I dunno what the f*ck I will do. So what HAVE I done exactly during this week? Well...stay up till 5 in the morning with my roommates making puzzles and stuff of course!!!! Respectively my roommates are Big Red whom you've met before, The Yakki, and Oaklie- Oaklie is a new addition to the house hailing from Oakland whom we LOVE and knew from college, and Happy Feet who was asleep. If she knew I named her Happy Feet for this blog she might beat me with her dance shoes...

But puzzlement aside, this has been part of a larger stress induced month. I don't work that often in the cafĂ© at B&N. So on top of financial worries, I am also starting to work on my graduate school applications. Holy crap!!!!! I know. I've been working on my photo company and such and have to tell you, I'm getting excited. I updated my camera from a Canon Powershot SX 20 IS to my dreamy new Canon EOS Rebel T3 that came with not one but TWO lenses. *shivers from excitement*. Anyways, this is a beautiful camera that does so much more than my wonderful camera Binky. Yes it's name is Binky. And I type this blog on Lucinda de Mac aka Indi. Make something of it.

Anyhow, the second reason for this upgrade is for my pending photo projects that I need to complete for my portfolio and grad school applications.

What all of this means is that August has turned into a month where I can actually do this I love and need to get done. I was explaining this to a fellow internshipper like myself who I met up for lunch with earlier today. Her name (she hath dubbed herself)- Awesome Friend. Which is true. I don't see her enough. She lives far form me and I and sad. We also talk about food a LOT to each other so she is my other other Fat Soul Mate. (First and foremost will always be Big Red)  So Awesome Friend and I went guessed it...TACCCCCCOOOOOOOS (insert Nacho Libre voice- a seriously underrated film by Jack Black. It's stupid funny). 1) the tacos were delicious. 2) for the twenty minutes that we were together, we had a phenomenal time.

I'll stop here. It's hot out and I'm getting sleepy....

1 comment:

  1. After reading that I feel the need to tell you that I'm going to the LA Taco Festival this weekend. Wish you were here to join me.
