Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 3ish....Making Powerful Decisions

I sometimes find it weird how much I like kids.

Seeing as how I'll be turning 23 next month, sometimes I have to talk to my biological clock and tell it to simmer the f*ck down because I am barely an adult! I often notice this when I am working at B&N and find an insanely cute baby/child/babychild that looks at me with the "Friend or Foe" look. You know the look. You smile and wave at the little person and they give you that big blank stare with the semi frown. It almost looks the same as when they are pooping in their diaper and can't figure out what that wet sensation is. The face gentle people looks akin to this face

Anyways, I have about two more weeks of filling up my time with picking up shifts and grad school research. But I'm wondering...should I go full time at B&N? Serious decisions are afoot....

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