Thursday, May 24, 2012

So sometimes my job equals


*coughcough* only sometimes.

But there are days I leave the family I babysit for really happy (and not just happy to leave). Today is one of those days. You see, I believe I mentioned a few posts ago that the mom was a producer. Hence Producer Lady. I may have failed to mention that the father/the husband is a cinematographer. *waves* Hey Daddy Camera. Daddy Camera is very good at what he does- which is why he's never really around. But we shall get to that later.

So when I picked March up from school, I had a busy day at my internship. And it was gooey out. Foggy, misty, monsooning you name it. I was really ready to go back to the den and hang out with March, perhaps try baking those cookies I royally f***ed up two days ago by putting far too much baking power. Bleh. Anyways, March saw me and started to grin. "Aw he's happy to see me!" was not the response I should've had (though he actually WAS, he was more excited about what comes next). I get to him and he tells me he wants to visit his dad on set. Me being who I am, I never trust those kids as far as I can throw 'em. So I checked in with Producer Lady and she thought it was a swell idea.

Let me now mention that Daddy Camera is the director for the USA show White Collar. Yes-you may take a pause, cause I know I did when I found out. *moment of omg sanctioned*

So March and I walked our way over to the set. March was excited about seeing papa bear. I was quietly thanking all my baby Jesuses that this could happen. Now let me come correct- this isn't the first time I've brought the little man to a film set, and I tend not to be starstruck. But have you SEEN the man who plays Neil Caffrey aka Matt Bomer? Holy craaaap. If not...that's him. Down there. Yes...scroll to the bottom of the page. I can wait. {Waits} All I can really say is that meeting him...was almost like watching some serious HD tv. I think I might have kept going cross-eyed. I know I didn't look at him very much. But damn is he pretty. And as my sister Le Leo told me "that man has some SWAG!" Definition of swag for those of you who don't know is the following courtesy of yes I quantify UD as a legitamate source- (my favorite definition attempt):

Swag adj: the way one carries thyself, especially in sexual appeal or "go get 'em" style. (I added the last part which I'm so adding to UD)
Favorite example:
"I'm digging that strut son, I like your swag"
"Thanks Dad"
Either way, Neil Caffrey touched me, looked deep into my eyes, I forgot I got a college degree, and internally woofed at how awesome my day was. Yup. Just another typical day...

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