Friday, May 11, 2012

Legos My...Legos.

So I spend a lot of my time with March. By a lot I mean probably 15+ hours a week, give or take a weekday or few hours (note: I don't do the babysitting on the weekends. It's called I need time with "grown ups").

So what does this mean?

This means I spend a lot of time getting in touch with my inner 7 year old boy.  Usually, I have to figure out a way keep the little guy occupado- meaning I bust out my array of awesome quasi athletic abilities (he saw me finally throw a football full out across a blacktop at the park and he was enamored!), artsy-craftsy type ingenuity and most of all, my completely lack of architectural genius when it comes to building legos.

Now the thing about legos is that they're small. Yes we all know this D.Babysitter, why are you talking about it? hands are rather large in comparison to a six year old's, SO- those little f**king legos are and have been my worst enemy. Until recently. Now you see, I have to somehow be bury this growing animosity for legos like the lost city of Pompeii (this means violently and rapidly). But after about 8 months of being forced to play with legos, I've learned a few things:

1) March is kind of an architectural genius...for his age. The things he thinks about building are pretty awesome, and besides they're mostly Star Wars related and EVERYONE loves Star Wars. It would also explain a great deal about his being socially awkward...the artist soul young one has [Yoda voice].

2) That legos are actually pretty damn cool and so is the stuff people build with them. Especially this guy here...

3) Lego REALLY cathartic. Seriously.

Now...I'm no pro, and don't really do the whole architecture thing, but alas, I'm starting to find that I have a good time. And I built this. Don't ask me what it is...cause I don't know. -shrug-


  1. Legos and coloring are the best kind of therapy :)

  2. I whole heartedly agree! This little kids are on to something!
